The construction of a raw water storage lagoon (RWSL) will create crucial additional storage to assist in water supply to the Parkes Water Treatment Plant (WTP).
Located to the north of the WTP, on Council-owned land, the lagoon will store and supply raw water that has been pre-treated at the new pre-treatment facility adjacent to the Lachlan River and pumped through the new pipeline network to the WTP site.
The proposed RWSL will have positive socio-economic benefits for the Parkes Shire community through the provision of improved water supply infrastructure, with an additional 20 megalitres of raw water to be used in times of drought, emergencies, or equipment failure.
Works associated with the construction of the new Raw Water Storage Lagoon include bulk earthwork, the construction of embankments and associated stormwater diversion channels, the installation of a lagoon liner system and the establishment of permanent fencing around the lagoon.
A Review of Environmental Factors(PDF, 30MB) was carried out to assess any potential environmental impacts associated with these works, and to identify mitigation measures.