Illegal Dumping

Illegal dumping is the placement of waste onto private or public land where no license or approval exists to accept such waste. Penalties apply to those violating the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997.

Parkes Shire Council Rangers investigate illegal dumping, littering and kerbside waste to protect our environment and maintain the health and safety of Parkes Shire residents. Council Rangers will make every reasonable attempt to locate the owner of the illegally dumped materials.

Your help in reporting information relating to illegally dumped materials is essential.

Report illegal dumping

If you see illegal dumping taking place, you should note as many details of the incident as possible, including time, date, location, descriptions of the people involved, vehicles and number plates and anything else noticed

Emergency situation 

Call 000 if the incident presents an immediate threat to human health or property, such as toxic fumes or a large chemical spill.

Non-emergency situation

If there is no immediate threat to the health and safety of others, report the incident to the Parkes Shire Council customer service team.

02 6861 2333

Report illegal dumping