Road & Footpath Assets

Maintaining our roads and footpaths

Over 2,000km of roads and 48,000sqm of footpath to maintain

Parkes Shire Council is responsible for in excess of 2,000km of sealed and gravel road across the region, over 48,000sqm of concrete footpaths, and 138km of kerb and guttering.

For an interactive and searchable map of our roads network, please visit our Maps page.

We undertake upgrades and maintenance of the Shire's regional road assets and footpath network for the benefit of the Parkes Shire community and its visitors. Federal and state governments are responsible funding and maintenance of major roads and highways. We are engaged to manage some of these assets within the Shire on behalf of these government agencies. 

Classification & Ownership

Different roads in the Shire are funded and managed by different levels of government.

The NSW Roads and Maritime Services (RMS), in partnership with local government, established an administrative framework for classifying the extensive network of roads within the Parkes Shire.

Roads within the Parkes Shire region are classified into four categories; National Roads, State Roads, Regional Roads and Local Roads.

These categories govern which roads are managed and financed by which government agency. However, Council does manage a certain portion of all of these networks within the Shire with funding support from the various government agencies.

National Roads
Funded by the Commonwealth Government but managed by the RMS.

State Roads
Funded by the State Government but managed by the RMS.

Regional Roads
Roads funded by the RMS but managed by Council.

Local Roads
Roads funded and managed by Council.


Funding for Roads

Safe and efficient roads are vital to our region.

The road transport industry is important to the viability of the Parkes Shire economy.

Parkes Shire Council strives to ensure our local amenities and local road infrastructure is maintained and improved to ensure safety and efficiency for our road users.

Protecting and increasing the following funding streams is a priority for Council.

National Roads
Funding for National Roads is provided by the Commonwealth Government and is generally administered by the Roads and Maritime Services, through Single Invitation Maintenance Contracts.

State Roads
Funding for State Roads is provided for by the State Government under the Single Invitation Maintenance Contract.

Regional Roads
Funding for Regional Roads is provided for by the State Government under Block Grants, REPAIR program (in competition with other Councils), and any additional allocation (previously provided under the 3x3 program).

Local Roads
Funding for Local Roads is provided from the Commonwealth Government's Financial Assistance Grant (Roads Component) and Council's own funds.

Road Statistics

The Parkes Shire consists of an extensive road network, with Council maintaining 6.7km of National Highways, 95km of State Road, and 233km of Regional Roads, consisting of 140km of sealed and 93km of unsealed.

Furthermore, Council maintains 1,747km of local roads, consisting of 449km sealed and 1,298km unsealed.

In addition there is 500km of formed road that receives occasional grading and patching.

Plant Equipment & Machinery

Council operates an extensive fleet for road works

Parkes Shire Council endeavours to use the most efficient and cost effective equipment and methods available in the maintenance of our road assets.

Council operates an extensive plant fleet on road works. The fleet includes graders, loaders, backhoes, rollers, tipping trucks, excavator, bulldozer, low loader, jet patcher, and minor plant and equipment.


Street Lighting

Providing, maintaining and funding road illumination.

Parkes Shire Council is responsible for the provision of street lighting in the urban areas. The capital cost of new lighting, as well as an annual charge on the electricity used by each light, is met from Council funds.

Essential Energy is the current supplier and they carry out maintenance required on the system as part of the annual charge (call 132 080).

Route lighting on the National and State Roads is subsidised by the Roads and Traffic Authority.


Street Trees

Parkes Shire Council plants and maintains street trees in new developments to ensure residents receive all the benefits that trees bring to the Shire.

Street trees help to provide cooler and more attractive footpaths, improve air quality, reduce and clean stormwater runoff, improve property values, and add to the identity and character of the Parkes Shire.

Council receives many requests for removal of trees or planting of new street trees. New planting is restricted to the newer areas and as replacement planting.


Improving the appearance of our roadways and approaches to towns.

Parkes Shire Council supports the beautification of our road network for the purpose of enhancing the appeal and charm of the region for its residents and visitors.

Town entrance beautification is included in the Management Plan to improve the appearance of the approaches to towns, way-finding and visual appeal throughout the townships.

Pedestrian & Mobility Access

Council planning in consultation with our community.

Parkes Shire Council is committed to improving footpaths and pedestrian access across the Shire. Council has recently adopted a Pedestrian and Cycling Strategy which was prepared in consultation with the community and key user groups to ensure the correct mix of footpath connections, new shared paths, cycling routes and mobility access that appeals to all stages of life for our residents.

Council maintains over 48,000 square metres of footpath asset throughout the Shire. Over 2,500 square metres has undergone recent upgrades and widening for shared footpath and cycle access with more upgrades planned.


Pothole Damage and Road Defects

Roads Authorities, including Councils, cannot be held liable for everything that happens on their roads. It is extremely rare for Councils to be liable to pay for damage caused as a result of colliding with a pothole.

For more information, view the Pothole Damage and Road Defect fact sheet(PDF, 752KB).