
Livestock is the term used to refer to farm animals or those animals used for cultivation for food, fibre or labour.  For the protection of the animals and the local environment, Parkes Shire Council has a number of minimum standards and owner responsibilities which must be met in keeping of livestock.

Droving and grazing of livestock

Livestock on roads presents a high risk to the public, so livestock owners need to be vigilant when grazing or moving stock on or along the roadside.

Parkes Shire Council, in conjunction with Local Land Services, can issue permits for livestock to graze on Council owned and managed road reserves, subject to certain conditions.

You may be fined if you graze without a permit or breach any of the permit conditions.

Council will not approve grazing permits for areas of high conservation or biodiversity value. Council will also not approve permits for areas known to contain significant infestations of noxious weeds.

Upon receipt of an Application Request for Grazing Permit from Local Land Services, a Council Officer will determine the nature of the roadside and whether any other considerations need to be taken into account before determining whether to issue the grazing permit.

To apply for a grazing Permit, please contact Central West Local Land Services. Please allow one (1) week for the processing of all requests to graze.

For information on Travelling Stock Reserves (TSR) within Parkes Shire, please contact the TSR Ranger at Central West Local Land Services (Forbes)

For information on State Forests within Parkes Shire, please contact the Forestry Corporation of NSW.

Grazing Conditions

  • Someone must attend the site at all times, including a sufficient number to control the stock and minimise interference with traffic flow.
  • Temporary signage (i.e. "STOCK CROSSING") must be erected on either approach to the roadside being grazed.
  • Anyone attending the site must wear a high visibility vest at all times.
  • Grazing can only occur within the area and timeframe specified by Council upon issue of the grazing permit.
  • Temporary fencing must not encroach on any sealed or gravel carriageway.
  • You must have public liability insurance of at least $10 million extended to cover grazing on public land.


Roaming livestock

Livestock must be confined to the owner's property at all times and are not permitted to roam.

Should you find livestock roaming in a dangerous place please contact Council on (02) 68612373. If outside of business hours, contact Council’s After Hours Service on (02) 68612333 or the Police.


Injured livestock

In you encounter injured livestock, please contact the nearest veterinarian.

If an animal is deceased on the roadway, contact Council to arrange removal of the animal.