Before commencing any earthworks, landscaping, or construction, it is essential to check with Council to establish what approvals are required. The work's significance, impact and predictability will determine the development classification. For Council to identify if the development is exempt, complying or requires a development application, a series of steps will be conducted, including:
- Identifying the zoning of the land
- The type of development
- Proposed heritage and bushfire attributes
- Site suitability
- Alignment to Council's strategies, policies and publications.
Some small-scale structures associated with a dwelling, such as pergolas, fences and rainwater tanks, are considered exempt developments due to their low impact on the surrounding environment.
These exempt developments do not require planning or construction approval, given predetermined development standards are met by the State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008.
Exempt developments are listed in Schedule 2 of the Parkes Local Environmental Plan 2012.
Should the proposed development not meet the exempt development requirements, you may be able to apply for the following:
- a complying development certificate, or
- Development consent.
Complying Developments are specific residential, commercial and industrial development types with minimal environmental impact.
To qualify as a complying development, the work must:
Before lodging your application, please carefully assess your plans against the Complying Development criteria listed in the State Environmental Planning Policies (SEPPs).
Should the proposed development not meet the complying development requirements, you will need to lodge a development application.
Any proposed development that is not an Exempt Development or a Complying Development must be submitted to Council as a Development Application (DA) via the NSW Planning Portal.
The minimum documentation required to accompany a DA is specified by Schedule 1 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000.