No longer on display. Expired on
30 April 2023, 12:00 PM
At its Ordinary Meeting held Tuesday, 21 March 2023, Parkes Shire Council resolved to place the draft Corporate Sponsorship Policy on public exhibition.
The draft Corporate Sponsorship Policy seeks to provide a uniform, consistent and transparent framework for Council to seek, negotiate, secure and manage external sponsorships for its programs, services and events.
Further information, including a copy of the draft Corporate Sponsorship Policy, can be accessed from the Business Paper for the Ordinary Meeting held Tuesday, 21 March 2023.
Written submissions or comments on the draft Corporate Sponsorship Policy can be made until 5.00pm Friday, 21 April 2023 and should be addressed to the General Manager and sent to Parkes Shire Council, PO Box 337, Parkes NSW 2870 or emailed to
For further information, please contact Council's Customer Service Centre on (02) 6861 2333 or via email at