Notification of Works: Weekend Works at Lions Park

No longer on display. Expired on 17 July 2023, 12:00 AM

Council wishes to advise that planned weekend works are scheduled to be carried out on Lions Park, Parkes, over a period of two consecutive weekends to allow for the installation of surface soft fall.

The works will be undertaken on the following dates, between 8:00am and 5:00pm both Saturday and Sunday, weather permitting.





8 July 2023

9 July 2023



15 July 2023

16 July 2023


There will be small plant, mixer and generator used during these works. No large machinery will be used.

There are no road closures or traffic impacts as a result of these works.

Council appreciates the understanding of residents and businesses during these works to enable Councils contractor to complete these works based on Contractor availability.

Should you have any queries in relation to these works, please do not hesitate to contact Council's Shire Presentation Coordinator, Mr Tim Gillogly, on 02 6861 2343.