Notice of works: Sewer Manhole Repair Work

No longer on display. Expired on 09 December 2023, 12:00 AM

As part of Council's ongoing commitment and responsibility to maintain assets throughout the Parkes Shire, notice is hereby given that FITT Resources have been contracted to undertake sewer manhole repair work from Monday 27 November 2023 to Friday 8 December 2023.

These works will be carried out in the following areas:

Station Street - Between Clark Street and Powter Street

Weston Street - South of Clarinda Street

Lane 5560 - Between Orange Street and Oswin Street, East Street and Weston Street

Lane 5370 - Between Victoria Street and Bushman Street

Jansen Lane - Between Church Street and Court Street

Dalton Street - Between Armstrong Street and Cooke Street

Lane 5690 - Between Armstrong Street and Bogan Street

There will be increased vehicular movement around the work site, and traffic control will be placed on site where required.

Access to some properties may be restricted during their work hours. For emergency access, please contact FITT Resources Project Manager, Richard Arthur, on 0402 993 806, orParkes Shire Council's representative, Bikash Paudel, on (02) 6861 2343.

Every effort will be made by Council to minimise the impact that these works may have on surrounding residents.