Notice of works: Currajong Street

No longer on display. Expired on 18 March 2023, 12:00 AM

Council wishes to advise that road reconstruction works are scheduled to be undertaken along Currajong Street, between Victoria Street and Bushman Street, Parkes. 

Works will be undertaken from Monday 6 March 2023 until Friday 17 March 2023, between 7:00am and 6:00pm, weather permitting. A full road closure will be in place throughout the duration of the works, with traffic controllers on site. 

Temporary parking restrictions will be in place to facilitate the above road closure and residents are requested to utilise off-street parking and rear lane access while the works are in progress. Pedestrian access will remain available to residents at all times. 

Alternative arrangements will be made during this period for the drop off and pickup of school students. 

Council appreciates the understanding of residents and businesses during these works to enable Council to complete these works at short notice due to contractor availability. 

Should you have any queries regarding the works please do not hesitate to contact Council's Executive Manager Operations, Mr Logan Hignett, for further information on 02 6861 2344.