Level 2 Water Restrictions - B Line Water System (Forbes to Tottenham)

On Display Indefinitely

Council wishes to advise residents on the water pipeline from Forbes to Tottenham, that due to high demand and declining reservoir levels, that Level 2 water restrictions have been implemented.

This includes the towns of Gunningbland, Bogan Gate, Trundle, Tullamore and rural consumers connected to the pipeline.

Under Level 2 water restrictions residents are only permitted to water outside the hours of 10am and 5pm, on alternative days under an odds and evens arrangement.

Odd numbered households may water on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Even numbered households may water on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays.

These restrictions are being reviewed weekly, and residents will be advised when restrictions are lifted. 

For any issues or enquiries please contact Parkes Shire Council on 02 6861 2333 

For more information on water restrictions click here.