Parkes Energy Recovery To Create Opportunities

Published on 24 March 2025


On Tuesday 18 March 2025, Councillors and the Council’s Executive Management Team met with representatives from Parkes Energy Recovery, a consortium led by Tribe Infrastructure Group, to discuss their proposed Parkes Energy Recovery facility in the Parkes Special Activation Precinct (Parkes Precinct).

Parkes Energy Recovery (PER) will leverage proven technology from global leader, Kanadevia Inova, to turn waste into electricity, which will power homes, businesses and industries across NSW. The proposed facility will divert an estimated 600,000 tonnes of waste per annum from landfill and generate at least 60 megawatts of energy - enough to power 80,000 homes per year. The anticipated capital investment is $1.5 billion, making this the largest single investment in the history of Parkes!

Parkes Energy Recovery is a group of companies led by Tribe Infrastructure Group (Tribe) and including Tadweer Group, HiQ Group (HiQ) and Kanadevia Inova (KVI). They have been selected by the Regional Growth NSW Development Corporation (RGDC) who are delivering the Parkes Precinct, after a market process to identify a developer which included scrutinising the consortium and the technology offered.

The consortium will now begin the process of wide community engagement and the planning and environmental approvals process for the facility that it will design, fund, own and operate on land leased from RGDC. This will include rigorous planning and environmental approvals with the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) and the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI). During this process, Parkes Energy Recovery will produce technical studies as part of its development approval, ensuring any technology adheres to high standards for human and ecosystem health. The facility will require a licence from the NSW EPA before it can begin operating.

Mayor of Parkes Shire, Cr Neil Westcott, further outlined Council's position on the proposed facility.

"We are pleased to see progress on this important project and support the principle of the Parkes Energy Recovery facility, as part of a sustainable waste management solution for the future," Cr Westcott said.

"Council’s role of course is to represent the community and ensure the facility is safe to humans and the environment.  We will also work with the consortium and the State Government to ensure the impact on the community is satisfactorily addressed."

"One of the most exciting things about this facility is that it may be a catalyst for businesses within the Parkes Precinct, with 60 megawatts of available baseload power and high-pressure steam and heat available to interested off-takers. Businesses will surely be interested to co-locate with this development." Cr Westcott added.

"We wish to reassure the community that we are dedicated to taking all necessary steps to educate ourselves on these facilities and ensuring that Parkes Energy Recovery places the safety of the community as a top priority."

Council encourages residents to stay informed and participate in upcoming community engagement opportunities led by Parkes Energy Recovery. For more information on the proposed facility, visit, email , or call +61 2 8405 7915


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