Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program Projects Complete

Published on 02 July 2024

Parkes Shire Council is pleased to announce the successful completion of 11 significant projects under the first phase of the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure (LRCI) Program, funded by the Australian Government. These projects were designed to enhance community-accessible, Council-owned infrastructure and help boost the local economy.

The following projects were completed under Phase 1:

  1. Upgrades to Tennis Courts at Woodward Oval: Six tennis courts have been upgraded, complemented by improved stormwater mitigation measures to protect these court upgrades.
  2. New Sports Field Lighting at Spicer Oval: Installation of new lighting, illuminating the field for the first time and extending its usability into the evening hours.
  3. Pedestrian and Parking Safety Upgrades at Parkes East School: Enhanced safety measures, including new car parking spaces and pathways to improve accessibility and safety for students and parents.
  4. CCTV Installation in Peak Hill Main Street: Upgraded security and surveillance has been achieved with the placement of CCTV cameras.
  5. Road and Footpath Repairs: Critical repairs have been undertaken at Rose Street and along the Newell Highway, ensuring a safer and smoother transit for pedestrians and vehicles.
  6. Upgrades to the Coventry Room Cultural Space: This rejuvenated space now offers new display opportunities.
  7. Wiradjuri Exhibition Project: Located within the Library precinct, this project celebrates local Indigenous culture and heritage.
  8. ‘Smart’ Infrastructure Banners in Parkes CBD: These modern banners enhance the visual appeal and provide informational displays in the central business district.
  9. New Cemetery Fence and Upgrades at Alectown: Enhancements to the local cemetery include a new fence, contributing to the upkeep and presentation of the site.
  10. Repairs and Air Conditioning at the Parkes Henry Parkes Centre: Essential repairs and the installation of air conditioning, ensuring a more comfortable and welcoming environment for visitors.
  11. Improvements to Drainage and Outdoor Amenity at Cooke Park: New water tanks and drainage upgrades have been implemented to strengthen the park's usability and sustainability.

Mayor of Parkes Shire, Neil Westcott, welcomed the improved infrastructure and community assets.

"Parkes Shire Council is committed to enhancing community facilities and supporting our local economy," Mayor Westcott said.

"We look forward to the positive impact these upgrades will have on our residents, improving their quality of life for many years ahead," he added. 

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