$1Million Boost To Community Facilities And Infrastructure
Published on 14 April 2023
Council has been successful in securing $1,000,467 in funding from the NSW Government from Round Five of the Stronger Country Communities Fund (SCCF) to complete three major projects within the Parkes Shire.
The successful projects include the completion of salinity mitigation at Cheney Oval in Parkes, refurbishment of the Peak Hill Memorial Pool and the implementation of a Town and Tourism Signage Strategy across the Shire.
Council's Mayor, Cr Ken Keith OAM, welcomes this funding as a wonderful boost to the Shire that will help deliver several significant projects for our community.
"The Cheney Oval project will deliver the final stage of critical rehabilitation works to Cheney Oval – one of the major sporting precincts in Parkes.
"The engagement of an expert soil scientist and installation of an extensive subsoil drainage system over the first half of the oval has been a success and this project will see the second half of the oval completed using the same design and remediation to mitigate serious salinity and drainage issues throughout the site, which make parts of the oval unusable through much of the season," he added.
The refurbishment of the Peak Hill Memorial Pool, co-funded by the Peak Hill Town Improvement Vote, will see a much-needed upgrade to the long-standing facility, that will continue to service the community for many years to come.
Cr Louise O'Leary said, " This is a great win for the township as the pool is a well-used facility that sees people of all ages, from young families to elderly citizens.
"Recent upgrades to the surrounding grounds have made the area an oasis for the community. The replacement of the fibreglass pool shell will complete the provision of a modern, easily cleaned facility for all to enjoy, " she added.
The final project to be delivered under this funding is the creation and implementation of a Town and Tourism Signage Strategy. This project aims to create a cohesive and straightforward application for all town signage throughout the Shire, instilling a sense of belonging, as well as communicating important messages to the community and visitors.
Currently Parkes LGA has a mismatch of signs from different stages throughout our history and this sends mixed and confusing messages to travellers on entry to our LGA, reducing the sense of connection between our towns and villages.
For more information on Council's projects across the Shire, visit www.parkes.nsw.gov.au
Proudly funded by the NSW Government under the Stronger Country Communities Fund (SCCF) Round 5.