Public Exhibition: Draft Parkes Airport Masterplan Submissions closing on 01 April 2025, 05:00 PM Parkes Shire Council is excited to announce that the Draft Parkes Airport Masterplan is now on public exhibition. The Council invites community members to review the masterplan and provide their valuable feedback.
Public Exhibition: Draft Peak Hill Nature Reserve Masterplan Submissions closing on 04 April 2025, 12:00 PM Notice is hereby given that the Draft Peak Hill Flora and Fauna Nature Reserve Masterplan will be on public exhibition between 19 February 2025 and 28 March 2025.
Public Exhibition: Draft Community Strategic Plan 2025-2029 Submissions closing on 15 April 2025, 05:00 PM Parkes Shire Council is excited to announce that the Draft Community Strategic Plan 2025-2029 is now on public exhibition. Council invites community members to review the Plan and provide their valuable feedback.
Public Exhibition: Draft Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2025-2029 Submissions closing on 15 April 2025, 05:00 PM Parkes Shire Council is excited to announce that the Draft Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2025-2029 is now on public exhibition. Council invites community members to review the Plan and provide their valuable feedback.
Public Exhibition: Draft Guidelines - Elvis Festival Memorial Wall Submissions closing on 02 May 2025, 12:00 PM Notice is hereby given that the Draft Guidelines for the Elvis Festival Memorial Wall are on public exhibition.