Executive leadership team
The General Manager is responsible for the overall performance of Parkes Shire Council and the efficient and effective operation of the organisation, as well as implementing the decisions of Council's governing body.
Our General Manager, Kent Boyd, is supported by four Directors, each of whom leads a department with various service delivery responsibilities, along with a Chief Financial Officer.
Together, our General Manager, Directors and Chief Financial Officer comprise our Executive Leadership Team.
General Manager - Kent Boyd PSM

Appointed November 2010
- Graduate, Australian Institute of Company Directors Course
- Master of Business Administration, Deakin University
- Master of Government and Commercial Law, Australian National University
- Graduate Diploma in Management, Deakin University
- Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Honours), University of Technology, Sydney
- Public Service Medal (2018)
Section 355 of the Local Government Act 1993 provides that the role of the General Manager include the following functions:
(a) to conduct the day-to-day management of the Council in accordance with the strategic plans, programs, strategies and policies of the Council,
(b) to implement, without undue delay, lawful decisions of the Council,
(c) to advise the Mayor and the governing body on the development and implementation of the strategic plans, programs, strategies and policies of the Council,
(d) to advise the Mayor and the governing body on the appropriate form of community consultation on the strategic plans, programs, strategies and policies of the Council and other matters related to the Council,
(e) to prepare, in consultation with the Mayor and the governing body, the Council's Community Strategic Plan, Community Engagement Strategy, Resourcing Strategy, Delivery Program, Operational Plan and Annual Report,
(f) to ensure that the Mayor and other Councillors are given timely information and advice and the administrative and professional support necessary to effectively discharge their functions,
(g) to exercise any of the functions of the Council that are delegated by the Council to the General Manager,
(h) to appoint staff in accordance with the organisation structure determined under the Local Government Act 1993 and the resources approved by the Council,
(i) to direct and dismiss staff,
(j) to implement the Council's Workforce Management Strategy,
(k) any other functions that are conferred or imposed on the General Manager by or under the Local Government Act 1993 or any other Act.
Director Customer, Corporate Services and Economy - Anthony McGrath

Appointed July 2023
- Bachelor of Information Technology (Information Systems)
- Customer Service
- Records and Information Management
- Internal Audit
- Risk Management
- Business Improvement
- Governance and Council Business
- Integrated Planning and Reporting
- People, Workforce and Capability
- Work Health and Safety
- Business Systems
- Information Technology
- Communications and Media
- Major Events and Festivals
- Destination Marketing
- Economic Development
Director Infrastructure and Major Projects - Andrew Francis

Appointed March 2015
- Graduate Certificate in Management, Australian Graduate School of Management
- Bachelor of Engineering (Environmental), University of Southern Queensland
- Bachelor of Engineering (Bioprocess), University of New South Wales
- Diploma of Project Management, TAFE NSW
- Certificate IV in Training and Assessment, Charles Sturt University
- Biosecurity
- Emergency Management
- Major Infrastructure Projects
- Natural Resource Management
- Net Zero
- Recycled Waste Operations and Management
- Strategic Asset Management
- Water Supply Operations and Management
- Wetlands
Director Operations - Logan Hignett

Appointed August 2024
- Bachelor Civil Engineering (Honours), University of Southern Queensland
- Diploma of Leadership & Management, TAFE
- Diploma of Project Management, TAFE
- Council Buildings and Land
- Design Services
- Fleet and Depot
- Parks, Gardens and Open Space
- Parkes Caravan Park
- Parkes Regional Airport Operations
- Property Management
- Public Swimming Pools
- Road Safety and Injury Prevention
- Roads, Paths and Cycleways
- Rural Fire Service
- Stormwater Drainage
Director Planning and Community Services - Brendan Hayes

Appointed March 2020
- Graduate Diploma in Urban and Regional Planning, University of New England
- Graduate Certificate in Local Government Management, Charles Sturt University
- Associate Diploma in Applied Science (Health and Building), Sydney Technical and Further Education College
- Building Surveyor A1 Accredited Certifier, NSW Building Certifiers
- Arts, Culture and Social Justice
- Building Control
- Cemeteries
- Central West Childcare
- Community Services
- Companion Animals
- Development Assessment
- Environmental Services
- Local Strategic Planning
- Public Health and Food Safety
- Waste Planning and Management
Chief Financial Officer (Responsible Accounting Officer) - Jaco Barnard

Appointed May 2019
- Certified Practising Accountant, CPA Australia
- Bachelor of Commerce, University of South Africa
- Bachelor of Journalism, University of Stellenbosch
- Accounts Payable and Receivable
- External Audit
- Financial Management
- Financial Reporting
- Grants
- Investments and Borrowings
- Long Term Financial Planning
- Rates and Revenue Administration