Access up-to-date information on road closures, floods, fires, and other weather emergencies affecting the Parkes Shire.
Have you been affected by flooding in the Parkes Shire? Click the link to complete this survey.
Learn more about Parkes Shire Counicl's vision, mission and values, as well as our Executive Leadership Team and organisation structure.
Learn more about your elected Mayor and Councillors, who together comprise Parkes Shire Council's governing body.
Agendas, minutes and other information related to Parkes Shire Council's meetings, including meeting dates and guidance on addressing Council.
Find out about Parkes Shire Council's decisions, services, projects and events by reading our latest media releases, newsletters and public notices.
View Parkes Shire Council's strategies, policies, maps, plans and reports.
Parkes Shire Council regularly provides public notice of draft strategies, policies and plans, as well as development applications, and invites submissions and feedback.
Council is committed to assisting members of the community in accessing information about Council. The following information will help you to access particular details about Council's structure and functions, how you can participate in the formulation of our policies and the exercise of functions, the information we hold and will make available to you and the ways in which you can access Council's
Parkes Shire Council is committed to achieving value-for-money whilst being fair, ethical and transparent in spending public money on goods, works and services, and securing and providing sponsorship.
Find out more about working at Parkes Shire Council, including current vacancies and information about preparing your application and our selection process.
Have Your Say on projects, publications and plans.