Ranger Services Rangers are employed by Parkes Shire Council to protect public safety, enhance the natural environment, and preserve public amenities throughout the Parkes Shire.
Report an issue Report a problem, make a request or ask a question via Parkes Shire Council's Customer Request Management portal.
Road & Footpath Assets Parkes Shire Council is responsible for in excess of 2,000km of sealed and gravel road across the region, over 48,000sqm of concrete footpaths, and 138km of kerb and guttering.
Road safety Parkes Shire Council plays an active role in road safety within our community by developing, implementing and evaluating practical solutions to help reduce road incidents.
Roads Program Parkes Shire Council strives to ensure our local road infrastructure is maintained and improved to ensure safety and efficiency for our road users.
Rural addressing Parkes Shire Council works collaboratively with the Land and Property Management Authority to identify and locate rural properties better.