Central NSW Joint Organisation Parkes Shire Council is an active member of the Central NSW Joint Organisation of Councils.
Community Consultation Get involved and have your say on Parkes Shire Council's projects, plans and decisions that affect our community.
Community reports Parkes Shire Council's community reports, including our Annual Reports, show our progress in implementation our strategies as well s our financial position.
Companion Animals Parkes Shire Council is responsible for administering and enforcing the Companion Animals Act 1998 and the Companion Animals Regulation 2008.
Compliments, complaints and feedback Parkes Shire Council values your feedback, whether you have a compliment or complaint about a service you have received.
Contact us Parkes Shire Council's friendly and knowledgeable Customer Service team are available to help with your enquiries regarding our services, projects, programs and events.
Country Mayors Association NSW Parkes Shire Council is an active member of the Country Mayors Association of NSW (CMA), with our Mayor, Cr Ken Keith OAM, and General Manager, Mr Kent Boyd PSM, currently serving as the association's Chairman and Secretary/Public Officer, respectively.